蘇粲淵 Su Tsan-Yuan|行星印象 Planet

三頻道影像裝置 Three-channel video installation|液晶屏、金屬、馬達、LED、電子零件 LCD panel, metal construction, LED spotlight, motor, electronic elements|75cm x 75cm x 80cm|2018


英文行星一詞 planet 源於古希臘文「πλανήτης(planētēs)」,意為「遊走者」(wanderer)。在一樣的環境裡原地踏步的狀態,像是貫穿一整個人生的時間軸,前進的步伐或許忽大忽小,忽快忽慢,與家的距離可能忽遠忽近。彷彿每個人生來就都注定沿著一個環形的軌道前進,軌道可能不是正圓,可能是橢圓。又或更加有機。但猶如地球的宿命即太陽,「遊走者」永遠圍繞著「家」漫遊。然而家屋中的物件實為獨立則毫無意義的存有者(beings),而我的存在則是此有(Dasein)。於是我藉著「此有」去「靠著」(bei)家屋的物件,與之產生連結,使其從並列的存有者身份解放,「家屋」的意義衍然而生。



A planet (Latin: planeta) usually refers to a celestial body that does not emit light by itself and orbits a star. To me, home is like a star, I ‘rely’ on the environment in which I live, just as a planet ‘relies’ on a star to revolve around it. Day by day, I try to imagine the future of everyday life and turn it into eternity.

The word ‘planet’, originates from the ancient Greek ‘πλανήτης (planētēs)’, which means ‘wanderer’. The state of treading in place in the same environment, like going through the timeline of a whole life, the pace of progress may be large or small, fast or slow, and the distance from home may be far or near. It seems that every life is destined to move along a circular orbit. The orbit may not be a perfect circle, it could be an ellipse. Or even more organic, but just like the fate of the Earth and its relation to the sun, the ‘wanderer’ always orbits around ‘home’. However, the objects in the house are meaningless existences (beings) when they are independent, and my existence is this being (Dasein). So I use ‘Dasein’ to ‘rely on’ (bei) the objects of the house, connect with them, liberate them from the parallel existence, and the meaning of ‘home’ emerges.

What will a townhouse located in Beitou District for forty years look like in the future? The family might use various means to try to protect this building from being redeveloped by developers or demolished due to urban renewal. Or the family will act passively, the house could not resist becoming a dangerous old building, replaced by vulgar buildings, shattered into ruins, and no one knew its whereabouts. That wall made of red brick and cement has been painted over several times with different shades of white paint between two generations, serving as the partition of ten small rooms, or becoming the handrail of the stairs after being diagonally cut, or inlaid with the small yellow tiles popular in the early Republic of China to become the outer wall of the ‘facade’ next to the main entrance. All of these are too familiar because various predestined imaginations are slowly collapsing.

What is narrated through this device is a sense of time that continues to live in the same environment. The slowly rotating light in place is like the state of treading in place in the same environment. The screen and the rotating light behind it, a metaphor for ‘planets and stars’, their relationship is like the Earth needs to be illuminated by the sun, and the image on the screen is the same, it needs to wait for the rotating light behind it to illuminate before it can show the image. If there is no light, it is completely dark, just like me and the home I rely on, here I am a planet illuminated by the house; the content of the image on the screen —— the townhouse is shattered into ruins, wandering in the darkness of the LCD screen, surrounding the rotating projection lamp, waiting for the constantly changing light source to sweep over, making it appear in the darkness, at this time the house has become a planet, existing in the way of death, only in the light of my consciousness, it can survive.


Su Tsan-Yuan



Tsan-Yuan Su was born in 1995 in the city of Taipei, Taiwan. His works focus on the intersection of the environment and himself, transforming his perception of the daily routine within the bustling city into distinct forms with unique narratives that portray abstraction in underlying systems. He utilizes these elements to symbolize certain characters in his world, and the correlation among these elements in his works is emphasized.
